Ryan Quandt

Ryan brings his expertise as an economic advisor and analyst to various policy areas at Cicero. Before joining the team, he held roles as a researcher for esteemed labs and as a data analyst. Drawn to Cicero’s approach to public policy and its values of liberty and accountability, Ryan finds alignment with his own beliefs. Motivated by the pursuit of truth and the common good, he is committed to developing policies that promote virtue and societal thriving. During his fellowship at Cicero, Ryan worked on impactful projects with autonomy and support from his colleagues. Based in Austin, TX, Ryan holds degrees in Philosophy and Economics and is passionate about empirical analysis and rigorous policy evaluation. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Devan, and their three children, engaging in games, books, and outdoor adventures.

“Thoughts that come on doves’ feet guide the world.” —Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Latest Posts by Ryan Quandt, Ph.D.

  • Foundational Research

Restoring the Social Contract Between Nonprofit Hospitals and Taxpayers

  • Foundational Research

Homelessness Diversion Programs: Mandating Treatment while Reducing Incarceration