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Healthcare spending is growing at an unsustainable rate in America. By legalizing innovation, creating new markets, and reversing special interest capture, we can deflate costs and radically improve outcomes.

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U.S. homeless policy has been a failure for decades. It’s time for system-wide accountability and real solutions.

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Public Safety

Prison and parole systems in America should keep Americans safe and responsibly use taxpayer dollars. With incentives and accountability for the system, we can build that system and improve results.

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Financial Transparency

States loan or guarantee tens of billions of dollars every year, but almost all that debt is “off-the-books.” By using private sector accounting standards and publishing estimates, states become better stewards of public money.

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American education desperately needs better incentives. With costs rising rapidly for students, and results stagnating, leaders must hold the system accountable to get better results for students.

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Better Government

Taxpayers expect quality services from government agencies. Better incentives and increased competition can deliver them.

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Regulatory Reform

Regulatory policy should be targets, carefully developed, and focused on increasing opportunity, not reducing it. With commonsense regulatory reform, we can empower small businesses, innovators, and the citizens to thrive.

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Not every job needs a degree, and unnecessary requirements stifle opportunity. Pointless degree requirements in the public sector should be done away with, and states across the country are leading the change.

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