Matthew Nolan

Policy Manager

Matthew Nolan is a Policy Manager at the Cicero Institute where he works on Regulatory and Financial policy. He is a combat veteran of the Marines, a graduate of Dartmouth College, ’21, and a published poet. His political commentary has been published in the National Review, City Journal, Governing and elsewhere.

Latest Posts by Matthew Nolan

  • Foundational Research

Sunset and Cost Benefit Analysis Reforms in the State Regulatory Process

News & Media
  • Opinion-Editorial

Promoting Merit and Equal Opportunity in University Admissions

News & Media
  • Opinion-Editorial

State Regulatory Processes Are Ripe for Reform

  • Foundational Research

National Regulatory Reform Progress Rankings Report 2023

gas stove
News & Media
  • Opinion-Editorial

Still Cooking With Gas

News & Media
  • Opinion-Editorial

Let’s Make 2023 the Year of State Deregulation