Skills-Based Hiring for Growth In Oklahoma

Arbitrary college degree requirements for public sector jobs often needlessly restrict the pool of otherwise qualified applicants, limiting opportunity and denying state governments access to the most qualified talent. It’s insulting to hard-working Americans and frustrating for hiring managers.

In Oklahoma, there are…

To fill open jobs, the state will need to reconsider their reliance on college degrees as a measure of job readiness.


Removing degree requirements from jobs that do not need them will reduce unemployment and spur economic growth in Oklahoma. It would require government agencies to specify necessary job skills or experience and justify any degree requirements they ask for.

This change will enable Oklahoma and its government agencies to fill job vacancies quickly with skilled applicants who want to work, and help states to operate more efficiently.


Oklahoma doesn’t want to lose these qualified employees to nearby states like Colorado, Missouri, and others that have already taken this step.

Workers Often Gain Skills Outside The Classroom


Removing degree requirements for many public positions will improve employment opportunities for millions of qualified candidates and can reduce labor costs for public employers.

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