Joe Lonsdale

Chairman of the Board

Joe Lonsdale is an American entrepreneur and technology investor; he founded Palantir, Addepar, OpenGov and other companies, and is a Partner at 8VC, his venture capital firm. Along with friends and colleagues, he is building the Cicero Institute to help policymakers and entrepreneurs work together on society’s challenges.

Latest Posts by Joe Lonsdale

regulatory garbage
  • Regulatory Reform

Time to Take Out the Regulatory Trash

News & Media
  • Opinion-Editorial

‘Housing First’ Foments Homelessness in California

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  • Opinion-Editorial

Opinion: Innovation Can Pull Texas Healthcare Back From the Brink

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  • Opinion-Editorial

Remove North Carolina’s State Health Plan Blindfolds

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Arizona Leads the Way on Public Safety

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  • News

Steering American Healthcare From the Brink

  • Healthcare

How to Reform American Healthcare