Annie Bowers

Education Policy Director

Annie Bowers is the Education Policy Director and directs undergraduate fellowship programs at the Cicero Institute. Annie is a writer and researcher passionate about increasing opportunity for Americans through innovative education and labor policy. Her writing has been featured in City Journal, RealClear Education, and the Washington Examiner. She is a member of the Workforce Talent Educators Association’s Standards Advisory Board and Standards Drafting Committee. Annie graduated summa cum laude with BAs in Philosophy, Music, and French from The University of the South in Sewanee, TN. She holds a Certificate in Education Finance from Georgetown University’s Economics Lab at the McCourt School of Public Policy. She also plays violin in the Central Texas Medical Orchestra.

Latest Posts by Annie Bowers

  • Supplemental Research

Enhancing Florida’s Wage Records

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  • Opinion-Editorial

Texas Community College Funding Should Account for Student Career Outcomes

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  • News

The Evolution of the American Dream

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Getting a Better Return on Education

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  • Opinion-Editorial

Forget Free College—This Is the Future of Higher Ed

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  • Opinion-Editorial

Biden Isn’t Focused on Charter Schools, But He Should Be