Right To Save: Paying Healthcare Consumers To Shop for Value

Our very own Josh Archambault was featured on the Pioneer Institute’s Hubwonk Podcast hosted by Joe Selvaggi. In this episode Joe and Josh talked about the Cicero Institute’s new healthcare reform, the Patient’s Right to Save.

Price transparency is often lauded in healthcare, but American patients lack the incentives to use pricing information in a meaningful way that would reduce healthcare costs and insurance premiums. The Patient’s Right to Save Act incentivizes providers, insurers, and patients to unlock the promise of price transparency and create a functioning market in the American healthcare system. Patients are the key to lowering healthcare costs and Patient’s Right to Save empowers patients to make wise decisions and rewards them when they shop for high-quality, but more affordable care.

See the full episode below on Youtube or PlayerFM.

Ep. 129 Right To Save: Paying Healthcare Consumers To Shop for Value

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