My Encounter With Medicaid Is a Cautionary Tale About Biden’s Public Option
With Georgia’s special Senate runoff election results showing Republicans are going to lose their majority in the Senate, presumptive President-elect Joe Biden is likely to face a lot less resistance fulfilling his promises of creating a public option in Obamacare.
Additionally, with polls showing nearly two-thirds of Americans approving of a public option, the threat of a single-payer health care system is one step closer to becoming a reality.
If Biden’s health care plan was ever to be realized, it would be a total disaster, as I can attest from my own experience.
On its surface, having reliable insurance coverage with low premiums is an attractive concept many pandemic-stricken Americans can get behind. Unfortunately, that concept is just a mirage concealing unreasonable tax hikes and an eventual segue to a single-payer health care system that will prolong wait times.
In the final analysis, the public option is just a slow-baked single-payer system in disguise.
Every devised single-payer system raises taxes. It’s unavoidable. Even the 2016 plan from Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would have cost the federal government $30 trillion just to implement. And for what? The supposed savings Americans would receive from not paying monthly insurance bills would most likely shift to covering the 36.5% increase in payroll taxes that would be required to fund Sanders’ plan.

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