Venue Freedom


Freedom to Sue and Overturn Regulations

Americans and the businesses they run face an ever-increasing regulatory state that discourages innovation and snuffs out competition. Unfortunately, it is difficult—at best—to challenge rules and regulations that have been misapplied or violate the law entirely. 

These court venue restrictions place an undue burden on small businesses that cannot afford costly travel and prohibitive legal fees. This deterrence alienates them from fair and equal access to justice. And while mom-and-pop shops struggle to keep their doors open, large companies that can afford these expenses bend the rules in their own favor. 

Worse, taking on the bureaucracy is often a fixed game. The designated courts that try these cases are typically located adjacent to the agency being sued, and each is staffed with appointees of politicians who sit in the capitol across the street. 

Small businesses power our economy. There are more than 33 million of them in the United States, making up an astonishing 99.9% of all companies in the nation—and they employ nearly half of all working Americans. So, it’s no wonder large corporations and the politicians who count on their financial support have an interest in making the lives of their competition as difficult as possible. 

Leveling the playing field and allowing business owners to challenge burdensome regulations closer to home will save time and money, freeing up resources for job creation and innovation.  

Reducing time spent on compliance gives small businesses breathing room to focus on enriching their communities and will expand opportunities for every diner, corner store, and entrepreneur. 


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