
The Cicero Institute is dedicated to restoring liberty through accountability, and innovation in American government. To achieve that goal, we develop and fight for bold policies at the state level in these specific issue areas.

Cicero Institute

About the
Cicero Institute

The Cicero Institute is a nonpartisan policy organization focused on fixing broken systems in the public sector. We develop and fight for policies at the state level that restore liberty, accountability, and transparency in American governance.

Our Issue Areas




Americans are spending more than ever on healthcare while getting sicker and dying younger. Medical bills remain our nation’s leading cause of bankruptcy as access to affordable care continues to shrink. Patients and their families need relief. States must look for innovative solutions to this crisis and loosen the stranglehold special interests have on the medical industry.

Public Safety

Public Safety

Prison and parole systems in America should keep Americans safe and responsibly use taxpayer dollars. With incentives and accountability for the system, we can build that system and improve results.
homeless street



Politicized policies have kept homeless individuals trapped in homelessness rather than getting them back to self-sufficiency. That’s why, despite increased spending, homelessness has continued to rise. It’s time for system-wide accountability and real solutions that truly serve the homeless and wider communities.

Education & Workforce

Education & Workforce

American education desperately needs better incentives. With costs rising rapidly for students, and results stagnating, leaders must hold the system accountable to get better results for students.

Regulatory Reform

Regulatory Reform

The American regulatory regime is broken and costly. Regulations should be thoughtfully developed, carefully targeted, and focused on increasing opportunity instead of reducing it. They also need to be regularly reviewed to ensure they’re necessary. With commonsense regulatory reform, we can empower small businesses, innovators, and citizens to thrive.

Support positive change to shape a better future for all.

Your generous tax-deductible gift goes a long way in building a future where liberty, accountability, and innovation flourish.

From day one, the Cicero Institute has been tearing down bureaucratic roadblocks, ripping up the red tape, and introducing bold solutions to our nation’s most challenging problems.


In 2024, 116 pieces of legislation were informed by Cicero research, and 38 of those were signed into law.

View our 2024 Q1 Impact »


pieces of legislation have been informed by Cicero research since our founding.


bills containing Cicero recommendations have been signed into law.


our number of states with a Cicero presence has more than tripled from eight to 27 since 2021.

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